Professional Marketing with a on top

Lilichuks proudly announces the addition of multi-lingual services. All of our marketing, communications and sales operations services can now be provided in Chinese, Spanish, French and Italian.

Are you a start up or charitable organization?
If you are a new business or a charitable foundation, Lilichuks may be able to help you on a pro bono or heavily discounted basis. Services are offered based on availability of resources. We can help with:
Brand strategy & marketing plan/budget
Logo and basic graphic design
Press releases & other awareness activities
Website design & development
Call 803.239.6780 to discuss your marketing needs.
Lilichuks was founded in 2018 as a provider of professional marketing and sales engineering services to the insurance, information technology, financial services, healthcare, retail and entertainment industries, including not-for-profit and public entities.
The global pandemic of 2020 has had a profound effect on all business and individuals, including Lilichuks. With travel and in-person collaboration shut down, one positive result has been getting to know our local communities in new and fantastic ways. Throughout the pandemic, Lilichuks has worked with many local organizations, supporting small businesses and not-for-profit entities. Due to the enrichment this expansion has brought to our lives and to our company, Lilichuks has pivoted to build on these relationships in order to support local businesses and community associations while we continue to serve our global clients.
The Lilichuks portfolio of services is made up of marketing, communications and sales activities that comprise a corporate marketing program. Typically small businesses do not have the need or budgets to staff all of these roles and execute all elements of a full program. With Lilichuks you can select only the services you need.
Lilichuks specializes in helping clients build effective marketing programs. If you are not certain about what services, channels or vehicles are best for you, we offer no-charge, no obligation consultations for small businesses and non-profit organizations to help establish a marketing plan that makes sense for your organization’s objectives and budget.
Our resources have successful track records of working with world-class marketing and sales programs in large corporations, both nationally and internationally. Delivering quality products and services is what we have been trained to do throughout our careers. Lilichuks fully backs our services with a Quality Guarantee.
Our mission is to deliver quality services and marketing assets that help accomplish your business objectives.
Our purpose is to add measurable value to your organization through world-class services provided by world-class resources.